Configure Dial-Up Networking in Mac OS 8
First, click on the Apple Menu.

2. Now, select PPP from the Control Panels sub-menu.

3. Here, type in your username and password all in lower case without spaces.
Type in a phone based on your area in the Number box. See Dialup Access Numbers.
The following screen shots will show you how to set up PPP for the Macintosh with OS 8. First, click on your Apple menu , then Control Panels , and then click on PPP . You will see the following:

4. Click on Options , then click on the Redialing tab and you will see this:

The information here is strictly optional, leaving it as it is will be fine.
5. Click on the Connection tab and you will see this screen:

6. Place check marks in the boxes just like you see above and then click on the Protocol tab and you will see this:
Again, make your dialer look exactly like what you see above and then click on OK .
At this point make sure your username and password are entered correctly and then click on Connect .
The dialer will connect you to Argon.
Please make sure that "connect to a command line host" is disabled to be able to use the new system.